Jack Greene

Jack Greene

Jack Greene was a game designer and publisher, owner of Quarterdeck International, inducted into the Charles S. Roberts Hall of Fame in 1990. His d...

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What is Victory?

What is Victory?

Devising Victory Conditions is one of the most complex tasks faced by any game designer. This stage is usually the last step of development, well a...

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detail of the Chattanooga Quadrigame map by SPI


The physical system available to the wargame designer is the single greatest limiting factor on his design... But the graphic designer can help the...

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The Castle at Widener College

Zones of Control

This is a misleading term that many gamers crack their heads on. Instead of trying to imagine exactly what this animal called a “Zone of Control” w...

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First & Franklin Presbyterian Church with its soaring spires into a high-cloudy blue sky


In December of 1979, I moved from New York to Baltimore to take a job at Avalon Hill. Unfortunately, though I did not realize it at the time, I was...

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Kevin Zucker circa 1979 in his Navy bridge coat.

"Days of Pragma"

One day in December of 1978 I stayed home from work with a high fever. Ina intuitively knew to call me at home, though we hadn’t talked in six mont...

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