Napoleon's Last Gamble
battles simulated
Quatre-Bras Ney at the Crossroads, 16 June
The French attacked on two fronts simultaneously. The tenacious defense of Quatre Bras by the Anglo-Allied troops saved the Prussians from receiving the full weight of the Armee du Nord.

Ligny, The Last Victory, 16 June
Finally unleashed, the Guard pushed the Prussians back from the Ligny brook. Blucher himself was wounded and separated from headquarters. But Napoleon's hoped-for knock-out blow remained undelivered
Wavre, Grouchy's Blunder, 18 June
Napoleon separated the two wings of his army, ordering Marshal Grouchy (pictured right) on the track of the Prussians while he pursued Wellington. Grouchy's prescribed route was wide of the mark, and took him to the outer flank, allowing the Prussians to interpose themselves between the two French wings Blucher achieved a strategic reversal of the opening.

Waterloo, A Near Run Thing, 18 June
While Grouchy frittered away time engaging the Prussian rear-guard at Wavre, Ney conducted the mid-phase of the battle like a rear-guard action in the Peninsular Campaign, failing to provide infantry support for his spectacular cavalry charges. Wellington fought a successful defensive battle, managing to cling to his ridge until the arrival of three Prussian corps. The broken French army retreated toward Charleroi; Grouchy's intact wing moved south-east toward Namur.
La Souffel, Rapp's Last Stand, 28 June
Three days after Waterloo, Rapp (pictured right) woke up and began a slow withdrawal from the Rhine, pursued by the vanguard of Schwarzenberg's Army. On June 26 the heavily-outnumbered Rapp skirmished with the Austrian III Corps. Two days later he made a stand along the Souffel River, and the Austrians attacked.

Game Components
Napoleon's Last Gamble
Each game includes:
Game Box
2 Maps 32"x22"
1 Map 17"x22"
2 Counter Sheets (560 die-cut player pieces)
2 Booklets (System Rules and Study Folder)
17 Player Aid Cards (TRC x 6, Initial Setup x 6, Casulaty x 2, Combat Results, Reorganization, and Weather)
5 Resource Cards (Adding the Cards, Combat Tables, Sequence of Play, Victory Worksheet, List of Cards Removed).
2 Card Decks (50 cards each)
Visit our Game Components section for details

Thursday Night Gamers
Napoleon's Last Gamble, La Souffel
Each game includes:
Operational Studies Group (OSG) is a leader in the design and production of Napoleonic Wargames. Our maps are extensively researched, historically accurate, and printed on heavy cardstock in full color.

player resources
click pdf file to download
• Napoleon's Last Gamble Update 22FEB22
• Napoleon's Last Gamble Study 1.62
• Wavre French Setup v1.01
• Wavre Prussian Setup v1.01
• Waterloo Prussian/Anglo/Allied Setup sheet 1 v1.07
• Waterloo Prussia/Anglo/Allied Setup sheet 2 v1.07
• Waterloo French Setup Sheet, v1.07
• QB French Setup Sheet, v1.04
• QB Anglo Allied Setup Sheet, v1.07
• Ligny Prussian Setup Sheet, v1.02
• Ligny French Setup Sheet, v1.02
• La Souffel French and Coalition Setup Sheet v1.01
• Extended Campaign Prussian Anglo Allied Setup Sheet1
• Extended Campaign Prussian Anglo Allied Setup Sheet2, v1.11
• Extended Campaign French Setup Sheet1, v1.10
• Extended Campaign French Setup Sheet2, v1.10
• Fog of War Cards for use with Universal Deck