Napoleon at Bay Expansion Kit
The Expansion Kit is intended for use with any edition of Napoleon at Bay

Expansion kit includes:
- 2 rule books
- 1 counter sheet (280)
- 13 player aid cards
- Charts & Tables Folder
- 4 page interface folder
• Up to date research on units and leaders locations, strengths and marches
• Much better OrBat information
• New counter art on par with the latest OSG releases
• Lighter set of rules, closer to the original 1978 edition

"The Napoleon At Bay Expansion is a great package. First, Kevin includes directions for using it in any of the three editions of NAB, so if you didn't pick up the 3rd Edition, this package will allow you to upgrade your 2nd Edition to use the new rules which have been streamlined as well. The vedettes, so vital to the 3rd edition's suspense and strategy, can now be used as new units and charts with all the latest data come contained in the expansion. There are also fascinating rules to use transitions to battle space from the lower level Napoleonic battlefields with coordinates mated between the maps. All in all, a great package for all owners of Napoleon At Bay!" —Mark Owens